The 5 natural emotions


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Affliction is that part of you that allows you to say goodbye when you don't want to say goodbye; express (expel, take out) the sadness within you due to the experience of any kind of loss. It can be the loss of a loved one or the loss of a contact lens. When you are allowed to express your affliction, you free yourself from it.
Children who are allowed to be sad when they feel sad feel very healthy about sadness when they are adults and, therefore, generally go through that period of sadness very quickly.
Children who say "don't cry" find it difficult to cry when they are adults. After all, throughout their lives they have been told not to cry. Therefore, they repress their affliction.
Affliction that is repressed continuously becomes chronic depression, a very unnatural emotion.

The wrath

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Anger is a natural emotion. It is the tool you have and that allows you to say "no, thanks". It does not have to be abusive and never has to harm others.
When children are allowed to express their anger, they show a very healthy attitude towards it when they are adults and, therefore, generally go through their anger very quickly.
Children who make them feel that their anger is not correct, that it is bad to express it and that they should not feel it, will find it difficult to properly manage their anger when they are adults.
Anger that is continually repressed becomes anger, a very unnatural emotion.

The envy

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Envy is a natural emotion. It is the emotion that makes a five-year-old boy want to be able to reach the door knob, like his brother, or ride a bicycle. Envy is a natural emotion that makes you want to do it again, try harder, continue fighting until you achieve success. It is very healthy to feel envious, very natural.
When children are allowed to express their envy, they show a very healthy attitude during their adult years and, therefore, almost always go through envy very quickly.
Children who make them feel that envy is not good, that it is bad to express it and that they should not even feel it, will find it difficult to handle it properly when they are adults.
Continuously repressed envy becomes jealous, which is a very unnatural emotion.

The fear

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Fear is a natural emotion. All babies are born with only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned responses, provided to the child by his environment, taught by his parents. The purpose of natural fear is to develop some caution. Caution is a tool that helps keep the body alive. It is a fruit of love, love for the Self.
Children who make them feel that fear is not correct, that it is bad to express it and that they should not even feel it, will have difficulty managing it properly when they are adults.
The fear that is continually repressed becomes panic, which is a very unnatural emotion.


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Love is a natural emotion. When a child is allowed to express and receive it, in a normal and natural way, without limitation or condition, without inhibition or shame, he does not require anything else, since the joy of love expressed and received in this way is sufficient.
However, love that has been conditioned, limited, governed by rules and regulations, rituals and restrictions, controlled, manipulated and repressed, becomes something unnatural.
Children who make them feel that their natural love is not good, that it is bad to express it and that they should not even feel it, find it difficult to handle it properly when they are adults.
The love that is repressed continuously becomes a possessive attitude, which is a very unnatural emotion.

Natural emotions, when repressed, produce unnatural reactions and responses. Almost all people repress the most natural emotions. However, these are her friends. These are his gifts. These are your divine tools with which you can create your experience. They receive these tools at birth and are to help us negotiate with life.

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