25 anticancer foods
Experts say that 50% of tumors could be avoided with a proper diet. Prevention has always been better than cure and in the case of diseases as serious as cancer it is worth filling your pantry with foods that are proving to have anti-cancer properties.
1. Olive oil: Monounsaturated fat protects against colon-rectal cancer. By acting on bile acids, olive oil decreases the risk of evolution of the digestive mucosa to adenoma or carcinoma. Not forgetting that keeping arteries flexible improves circulation and oxygenation of all tissues.
2. Water: It is not a food, but we cannot live without it. Water keeps our cells alive, regulates many functions and helps eliminate toxins through urine and feces.
3. Garlic and onion: Garlic and onion contain allicin, a sulfur-rich compound that acts as a liver cleanser, eliminating toxic substances that accumulate in the blood and tissues. In addition, garlic binds to toxins, neutralizing its effects on cells.
4. Algae: They are depurative, rich in minerals and vitamins and contain fiber. Algae is a common meal in countries like Japan, with a low incidence of breast cancer. Some specialists recommend them to help eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy because of their immune system boosting effects.
5. Brown rice: In Japan, rice is the subject of numerous cancer research. Being a seed, it contains protease inhibitors that appear to delay the onset of cancer. In rice bran there are anticancer substances that seem protect from colon, breast and prostate cancer.
6. Eggplant: Like other violet vegetables, it contains anticancer substances that appear to protect cells from mutations caused by cancer.
7. Citrus: Its richness in vitamin C is known, they are antioxidants and stimulants of defense cells. Also, do not forget that they contain flavonoids, protectors of the blood capillaries that keep the membranes permeable and oxygenated.
8. Cabbages: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress and radish should not be missing at the table, they are an antitumor cocktail, reinforce defenses, eliminate free radicals and protect cells.
9. Strawberries: They are interesting for their purifying effects. They help cleanse the body of toxins, contain fiber, minerals and vitamins.
10. Fruits of the forest: Blackberries, blueberries and currants are rich in a purple pigment called atocyanine that has a great antioxidant effect. They are also rich in vitamins A and C, minerals, pectin and vegetable acids. The preventive effects of these fruits in the case of leukemia are being studied.
11. Nuts: Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds are a source of vitamins B and E, and minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium and zinc. With a small amount a good supply of antioxidants is ensured.
12. Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans can be an anticancer elixir. Legumes are very rich in fiber and protease inhibitors that prevent mainly breast and colon tumors.
13. Apple: Contains chlorogenic and ellagic acids that block the onset of cancer in animal experiments. By having pectin, fiber also acts favoring the elimination of toxins through feces.
14. Melon: It is rich in antioxidant beta-carotene and contains very few calories to keep obesity-related tumors at bay.
15. Honey: It has antiseptic properties, so it is useful to avoid infections associated with the decrease in immunity that comes with chemotherapy treatment.
16. Fish: Omega 3 fatty acids in addition to being beneficial for the heart and arteries are also used to improve the condition of people with cancer.
17. Peppers: The yellow, red and green color of peppers is the sign of their richness in beta-carotene along with vitamin C; Both are antioxidants and mucosal protectors. They also contain capsaicin that blocks precancerous compounds that appear in smoked and cured meat and fish.
18. Red beet: The purple color of red beet hides a potent cell regenerator, betaines.
19. Chinese mushrooms: Maitake, shiitake and reishi mushrooms are used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the immune system by the presence of compounds called betaglutans that stimulate the manufacture of natural interferon, an effective anticancer.
20. Soy: Oriental women have a lower risk of breast and ovarian tumors. It seems that the diet rich in soy and its derivatives such as tofu, tempeh, miso or seitan is responsible for its invulnerability. Soy contains genistein, protease inhibitors and isoflavones, protectors against breast cancer.
21. Green tea: Contains polyphenols, which nullify the effects of nitrosamines and have antioxidant powers. It is a powerful protector against environmental radiation.
22. Tomato: Raw tomato is very rich in lycopene, a carotene that gives it the red color and has shown its protective role against prostate cancer. It also contains other substances in the skin and in the nuggets that have anticancer effects.
23. Grape: Grapes with skin and nuggets contain antioxidants such as resveratol that block carcinogens and tumor growth.
24. Yogurt: The beneficial bacteria contained in yogurt (acidophilic, lactobacillus) regenerate the intestinal flora and prevent the appearance of toxic products in digestion. Very useful for preventing colon cancer, but it is recommended for all types of tumors
25. Carrot: The orange color is due to its richness in beta carotene, known antioxidant. It is the protective vegetable of smokers because of its ability to regenerate respiratory epithelial cells.
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